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Taking Responsibility Seriously
At POLOPLAST, sustainability isn’t just a trend — it’s a core value that shapes every aspect of our business.
From water and energy management to emission controls and ethical labor practices, all the way to product recycling, we go above and beyond regulatory standards. Our OCS certification is just one example of how we’re setting new benchmarks.
That’s why POLOPLAST is the ideal partner for businesses committed to a greener future.

Leading the Way with
OCS Certification
We’re taking a stand against microplastics in our oceans:
POLOPLAST is proud to be one of the first companies in Europe — and the very first in Austria — to achieve an Operation Clean Sweep® (OCS) certification.
Operation Clean Sweep® is an international initiative of the plastics industry to minimise the loss of plastic pellets in the environment. The aim of OCS is to ensure that plastic pellets, plastic flakes and plastic powder that flow through production facilities are treated with the utmost care and do not end up in our natural waters.

Certified Environmental Impact
With our Environmental Product Declaration (EPD), we provide clear, measurable proof of the environmental performance of our products.

99 %
Recycling Rate
Currently, only 1% of our raw materials fall outside the recycling loop — and we’re pushing hard to close that gap entirely.

99 %
Water Reuse
Our process water comes exclusively from our own well and is reused up to 100 times within a closed-loop system.

100 %
Renewable Energy
By 2025, all our electricity will come from renewable, carbon-free sources.

In partnership with POLOPLAST and other industry leaders, researchers at Montanuniversität Leoben (Austria) are developing breakthrough solutions to boost the use of recycled materials and extend the lifespan of plastic products.
Sustainability report
The current edition of POLOPLAST's sustainability report is now in its sixth edition. Written in accordance with international standards, the report paints a comprehensive portrait of a company that has anchored sustainability in its core values. It covers everything from the company's current situation to its long-term orientation. It provides an insight into the vision, strategy and goals, shows how POLOPLAST acts sustainably in economic, ecological and social terms and is therefore much more than a mere overview of the company's performance.
Our Code of Conduct
We thrive on the trust of our customers, employees, owners and the public as well as on the performance and integrity of our group.
An important pillar of our success story ist that we have always regarded responsible and lawful conduct as an indispensible part of our corporate culture. We don‘t make any compromises when it comes to morals, ethics, the environment and safety. Only if we act in accordance with rules and regulations at any time and any place we may expect social acceptance for our businesses and projects. The integrity of each individual is essential and key to the success of our business. Lawful and ethical behaviour protects against serious legal and economic risks and strengthens our reputation and trust in our business.
Our Code of Conduct gives the basic principles for ethical conduct in accordance with the regulations.
Our Supplier Code of Conduct
Not only the responsible and lawful behaviour of our employees is indispensable for us, but also that of our business partners. Every business partner is part of our responsible corporate strategy and shapes the reputation of our company through their appearance, behaviour and actions.
In our Supplier Code of Conduct, we have therefore set our principles for the purpose of legally secure, sustainable and responsible cooperation, compliance with which we expect from our suppliers.
„Tell it Cody“ Whistleblower System
Compliance with laws, rules and internal regulations is a top priority at POLOPLAST. We can only protect our company, our employees and our business partners if we act in accordance with the law and with integrity.
Our whistleblower system, which is called "Tell it Cody", picks up concrete indications of (potential) misconduct or malpractice in our organisation. This includes, among other things, violations of our Code of Conduct, antitrust law, criminal law or human rights violations. Your information helps us to improve our organisation and minimise risks.
You are free to submit your report anonymously or transparently with your name and contact details. The report will be forwarded to the Compliance Department and the responsible Compliance Ambassador, who will process the information confidentially and reliably.
Your report will be treated with absolute confidentiality. You do not have to fear any negative consequences as a result of your report, provided you have reported in good faith.
Not only employees of our company, also business partners, customers and other third parties have the opportunity to submit information on violations of the rules.