ÖAKR: New Collection Record for Plastic Pipes Recycling
Vienna, 29th April 2009. The Austrian Working Group for Plastic Pipes Recycling (ÖAKR) achieves another collection record: In 2008, 1,280 tonnes of used pipes, fittings and waste products from installations were collected and submitted to an environmentally sound recycling process. This represents an increase in the collection volume by 55 % compared to the year before, and almost a tripling compared to 2004. Furthermore, it was ultimately possible to reduce the residual waste – i.e. materials not suitable for the system such as packaging materials – from a consistent level of 20 % to 7 %.
At a press conference on the 29th of April 2009, the executive committee of the ÖAKR explained this enormous increase in volume by pointing to extensive communication activities, which contributed to creating an awareness amongst product users of the recyclability of plastic pipes, and which lead to the increased recognition of the system, which is exemplary across Europe.
By cooperating with the company Reststofftechnik, the ÖAKR made further progress in the optimisation of the system. Together with 25 regional partners, this innovative company based in Salzburg has developed additional sources for collection across Austria since early 2008, thereby supporting the ÖAKR system, which has been active across the entire country since 1991. Delivery points are located at the regional branches of ÖAKR members, at the premises of Reststofftechnik, their partner organisations and at wholesale companies. A complete list of all collection points is available online at www.oeakr.at.
Quality products with the GRIS seal of quality and the ÖVGW quality certification mark guarantee the customer environmentally sound disposal.
Particularly on the part of public contracting authorities, the recycling mentality is strongly desired, with the result that the proper and environmentally sound waste management of pipes made of thermoplastic material is becoming increasingly anchored in the voluntary quality certification marks and seals of quality.
„Membership of the ÖAKR is the simplest way for a plastic pipes manufacturer to provide substantiated evidence of the environmentally sound disposal of their products“, the ÖAKR committee explained at a press conference. High quality standards include thinking and acting in a sustainable manner. Therefore, it is a matter of course for ÖAKR members to be concerned about products, even after their useful life span, as ÖAKR chairwoman Mag. Gerda Aichinger and vice-chairs Mag. Karl Aigner and DI Elmar Ratschmann confirmed.
The system is entirely funded by the 11 ÖAKR member companies Agru, Dietzel Univolt, Geberit, Glynwed, Ke Kelit, Kontinentale, Martoni, Pipelife, Poloplast, Rehau and Uponor.